Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Reflection essay english 101

Reflection essay english 101

reflection essay english 101

Reflection On English Words | 7 Pages. development, change, and substantial growth. During my time in English I have had the chance to really explore new genres of writing such as memoirs, rhetorical analyses, and persuasive essays  · English has made it easier for me to formulate a well thought out thesis statement and essay. Creating well-supported and detailed body paragraphs is the next step in a well written essay. Throughout this semester, I learned how to summarize, paraphrase, and quote particular information in multiple blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins Reflection Writing- English Individual Plan for Success Paper: Based on your experiences and learning in this class, write a two-page reflection paper answering the following questions: a) What did you learn about yourself by participating in the course? a. Are you currently as academically successful as you would like to be? Why or why not?Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins

English Reflection Final

Typically I view myself as more math and science savvy, so I reflection essay english 101 those subjects over english. However, I felt that I learned quite a bit in this class. I am now more confident in my writing abilities as well as my ability to annotate lengthy and challenging pieces of text. In class discussions I think I also became better at making connections to other pieces of text that we read previously.

But it was fairly difficult to make connections to my other classes, reflection essay english 101, as they were math and chemistry. I think that this class enabled me to improve my meta knowledge of being able to have an idea path that progresses logically through an argument.

This would serve the purpose of building an argument reflection essay english 101 is strong and direct. This is used often in academic writing because when one proposes a thesis, they come up with an argument for it throughout the paper. This would have to be done logically to prove the point that the writer is making.

I used this frequently throughout the course, mostly in writing. In the final essay for the course, I proposed a thesis that I worked on proving throughout the essay. I wanted to prove it concisely while giving enough logical information that would back my findings up. Also I was able to participate in that sense. An example of this would be Wayne C.

Booth, his essay titled Blind Skepticism versus a Rhetoric of Assent, really stuck with me and were easy to follow. He says. Peter Elbow and I and many others have spent much of our lives trying to formulate some middle path. This quote stuck out to me because in the past I had felt that dogmatism is completely irrational and stupid, so I guess that put me on the side of the skeptics.

I used to think of this as a terrible way to view things, because I felt it did not allow one person to form their own opinions, at least not strong opinions on certain subjects. One thing that did stick with me however was that we should arrive at assents by taking in all sides of an argument and then forming our own opinion based on both sides wholistically before we form an opinion.

I thought that it would lead to a naive and unknowledgable opinion of most subjects, reflection essay english 101. I felt that this would mean for a person to come into a discussion having little to no prior knowledge about a subject and they would listen to both sides, reflection essay english 101, and then form an opinion of their own based on both sides.

This led me to question, how would one know what is right coming into the subject completely open minded. Because of this, I think that I will strive to find the middle path between dogmatism and skepticism when I enter rhetorical discussion. I think that I was able to improve on my ability to make connections between authors writings. Many reflection essay english 101 thought-modes reveal truths that are discernible only in that mode.

He compares genres in general to a desk, he states that they are rigid in character and that they serve a specific function, and no other. If a person were to want that rigid piece to serve a different function, the desk would no longer be a desk, it would have to be something entirely different. I thought they related by thinking of thought-modes as genres, and you can only arrive at a certain genre through various ways of assent.

These are what Booth describes as factors that lead people into ways of thinking. So I think that there are very specific factors that have to occur for something to be considered a genre. This is similar to the factors that will lead a person into a certain thought mode. I think that this class gave me a some tools that I could re-purpose for classes I take in the future. Citing sources was a problem for me at the start of this course, and I think that I was able to improve on that skill.

Also in this class we had the opportunity and requirement to write a few fairly lengthy papers, so I think that I could definitely re-purpose this skill in future writing or composition classes that I may take. But also I think that skills learned in this class could be valuable for some math or science classes that I will take in the future, reflection essay english 101.

I feel this way because I think that overall I became a better writer, this I think will be beneficial in science classes, in writing up lab reports or also being able to describe how natural phenomenons occur. I learned what discourse is, and how there are different types of discourse. However, I am not completely clear of this definition. But I think that I was able to get a fairly good grasp of the concept throughout the quarter.

I think that I will be able to take some skills that I gained from learning from what discourse is and hopefully be able to bring them into the field that I am planning on studying which is environmental engineering. I think that discourse and discourse community apply to many different entities. I think that discourse as a way of acting or using language within a group with a common interest by being a way to describe that community.

In the reflection essay english 101 field, discourse can be applied to most specific sub categories in it, reflection essay english 101. The rhetorical outline assignment was very beneficial to me this quarter because I think that it gave me a ability to get reflection essay english 101 out of various works in a more concise way. Using the template for an essay was beneficial because I was able to see what a reader might get out of my paper, and I think that I was able to revise my paper to make the reader experience clearer using the outline.

I used this template in some of my artifacts also, I was able to read a few articles and then work with the text to make an outline of what the overall article was stating, and then was able to break it down into parts that had what each section was stating as well as the writers intention and the readers experience. I think that english was a good class to take first quarter of this year because I think it gave me some baseline knowledge of concepts that I can use for the rest of the year and beyond.

Mostly I think I was able to gain more skill in writing for other classes that I will be taking. The first essay about the Interactive Online Space IOSI reflection essay english 101 mightily to meet the length requirement. Whereas, the second more open ended essay, the length requirement was easier to meet, having already done it once.

I think that coming into this class my writing was a little too unorganized, reflection essay english 101, the length of my paragraphs was typically much too long, and this followed me through the course, but it was good to have it reflection essay english 101 out to me so that I could work towards improving that aspect of my writing. Also the readings in this class gave me some things to think about in my own life, on how I should approach rhetorical conversations with others, and also how my thoughts and opinions can be formed.

This class was a helpful experience in improving my writing and I also learned some valuable tools in how my opinions should be formed in the future based on some of the reading that we did. Booth, Wayne C. Gee, James P. You are commenting using your WordPress. com account, reflection essay english 101. You are commenting using your Google account.

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reflection essay english 101

 · Reflective Essay. Personally I wasn’t too thrilled about taking english coming into the quarter. Typically I view myself as more math and science savvy, so I prefer those subjects over english. However, I felt that I learned quite a bit in this class. I am now more confident in my writing abilities as well as my ability to annotate Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins Personal Essay: Course Reflection Words | 4 Pages. Course Reflection When my advisor asked me if I wanted to take summer school the first thing I said was, “Yeah, I want to take English ” The only problem was that it started at 8AM and I usually worked the night before, but I thought I could handle it. I enjoy writing  · English has made it easier for me to formulate a well thought out thesis statement and essay. Creating well-supported and detailed body paragraphs is the next step in a well written essay. Throughout this semester, I learned how to summarize, paraphrase, and quote particular information in multiple blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins

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