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Comprehensive dissertation index annual supplement

Comprehensive dissertation index annual supplement

comprehensive dissertation index annual supplement

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Comprehensive Dissertation Index Annual Supplement University Microfilms International.

Try out PMC Labs and tell us what you think. Learn More. Globally, type 2 diabetes mellitus T2DM is considered as one of the most common diseases. The etiology of T2DM comprehensive dissertation index annual supplement complex and is associated with irreversible risk factors such as age, genetic, race, and ethnicity and reversible factors such as diet, physical activity and smoking.

Dietary habits and sedentary lifestyle are the major factors for rapidly rising incidence of DM among developing countries. In type 2 diabetics, recently, elevated HbA1c level has also been considered as one of the leading risk factors for developing microvascular and macrovascular complications.

Improvement in the elevated HbA1c level can be achieved through diet management; thus, the patients could be prevented from developing the diabetes complications. Awareness about diabetes complications and consequent improvement in dietary knowledge, attitude, and practices lead to better control of the disease.

The stakeholders health-care providers, health facilities, comprehensive dissertation index annual supplement, agencies involved in diabetes care, etc. should encourage patients to understand the importance of diet which may help in disease management, appropriate self-care and better quality of life. Diabetes mellitus DM was first recognized as a disease around years ago by the ancient Egyptians and Indians, illustrating some clinical features very similar to what we now know as diabetes.

Inexcess sugar in blood and urine was first confirmed in Great Britain. These are DM type 1 T1DMDM type 2 T2DMand gestational DM GDM. In T1DM, there is absolute insulin deficiency due to the destruction of β cells in the pancreas by a cellular mediated autoimmune process. In T2DM, there is insulin resistance and relative insulin deficiency.

GDM is any degree of glucose intolerance that is recognized during pregnancy. DM can arise from other diseases or due to drugs such as genetic syndromes, surgery, malnutrition, infections, and corticosteroids intake. T2DM factors which can be irreversible such as age, genetic, race, and ethnicity or revisable such as diet, physical activity and smoking. Globally, T2DM is at present one of the most common diseases and its levels are progressively on the rise.

It has been evaluated that around million people worldwide or 8. This figure is expected to rise to million 9. It is also a major cause of blindness due to retinal damage in adult age group referred to as diabetic retinopathy DR. People with T2DM have an increased risk of lower limb amputation that may be 25 times greater than those without the disease. This disease caused around 4. A large number of cross-sectional as well as prospective and retrospective studies have found significant association between physical inactivity and T2DM.

During an average follow-up period of 6-year, it was found that the diabetes incidence rate remained higher in less active men and women from all BMI groups. First, it has been suggested that physical activity increases sensitivity to insulin.

In a comprehensive report published by Health and Human Services, USA, reported that physical activity enormously improved abnormal glucose tolerance when caused by insulin resistance primarily than when it was caused by deficient amounts of circulating insulin. The protective mechanism of physical activity appears to have a synergistic effect with insulin. During a single prolonged session of physical activity, contracting skeletal muscle enhances glucose uptake into the cells.

This effect increases blood flow in the muscle and enhances glucose transport into the muscle cell. In certain other studies, physical activity has been inversely associated with intra-abdominal fat distribution and can reduce body fat stores. Among the patients, diabetes awareness and management are still the major challenges faced by stakeholders worldwide.

Poor knowledge related to diabetes is reported in many studies from the developing countries. Low awareness of DM affects the outcome of diabetes. Another study conducted in Slovakia by Magurová 22 compared two groups of patients those who received diabetes education and those who did not.

Dussa 23 conducted a cross-sectional study on assessment of diabetes awareness in India. The study concluded that level of diabetes awareness among patients and general population was low. According to the study conducted by Bani 25 in Saudi Arabia, majority of the patients Diabetes knowledge, attitude, and practice were also studied in Qatari type 2 diabetics.

Males in this study had more knowledge regarding diabetes than female patients. Diabetes knowledge among self-reported diabetic female teachers was studied in Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia.

It was further suggested that awareness and education about diabetes should be urgently given to sample patients, comprehensive dissertation index annual supplement.

The knowledge of diabetes provides the information about eating attitude, workout, weight monitoring, blood glucose levels, and use of medication, eye care, foot care, and control of diabetes complications.

The role of diet in the etiology of T2DM was proposed by Indians as mentioned earlier, who observed that the comprehensive dissertation index annual supplement was almost confined to rich people who consumed oil, flour, and sugar in excessive amounts, comprehensive dissertation index annual supplement.

In Berlin, comprehensive dissertation index annual supplement, diabetes mortality rate declined from In contrast, there was no change in diabetes mortality rate in other countries with no shortage comprehensive dissertation index annual supplement food at the same time period such as Japan and North American countries.

Many studies have reported a positive association between high intake of sugars and development of T2DM. It was found that for each additional serving of carbonated drinks consumed, frequency of obesity increased, after adjusting for different parameters such as dietary, demographic, anthropometric, and lifestyle.

A study was conducted which included the diabetic patients with differing degrees of glycemic control. There were no differences in the mean daily plasma glucose levels or diurnal glucose profiles, comprehensive dissertation index annual supplement. As with carbohydrates, the association between dietary fats and T2DM was also inconsistent. In a diabetes study, conducted at San Louis Valley, a more than thousand subjects without a prior diagnosis of diabetes were prospectively investigated for 4 years.

In that study, the researchers found an association between fat intake, T2DM and impaired glucose tolerance. After adjustment, no associations were found between intakes of fat, sucrose, carbohydrate or fiber and risk of diabetes in both groups. Recently, evidence suggested a link between the intake of soft drinks with obesity and diabetes, resulting from large amounts of high fructose corn syrup used in the manufacturing of soft drinks, which raises blood glucose levels and BMI to the dangerous levels.

Food intake has been strongly linked with obesity, not only related to the volume of food but also in terms of the composition comprehensive dissertation index annual supplement quality of diet. Consumption of fruits and vegetables may protect the development of T2DM, as they are rich in nutrients, fiber and antioxidants which are considered as protective barrier against the diseases.

American Diabetes Association has defined self-dietary management as the key step in providing the diabetics, the knowledge and skill in relation with treatment, nutritional aspects, medications and complications. A study showed that the dietary knowledge of the targeted group who were at high risk of comprehensive dissertation index annual supplement T2DM was poor.

Red meat and fried food were consumed more by males as compared to females. The percent of males to females in daily rice consumption was significantly high.

In recent times in Saudi Arabia, food choices, size of portions and sedentary lifestyle have increased dramatically that resulted in high risk of obesity. Unfortunately, many Saudis are becoming more obese because of the convenience of fast foods, and this adds to the scary diabetes statistics. In addition, Backman 46 reported dietary knowledge to be a significant factor that influences dietary behaviors.

Results of study conducted in Saudi Arabia 25 reported that more than half of the diabetic patients denied modifying their dietary pattern, reduction in weight and perform exercise. National Center for Health Statistics reported that socioeconomic status plays an important role in the development of T2DM; where it was known as a disease of the rich. The differences may be due to the type of food consumed. Nutritionists advised that nutrition is very important in managing diabetes, not only type but also quantity of food which influences blood sugar.

Meals should be consumed at regular times with low fat and high fiber contents including a limited amount of carbohydrates. It was observed that daily consumption of protein, fat and energy intake by Saudi residents were higher than what is recommended by the International Nutritional Organization. These factors are considered as an integral part of comprehensive diabetes care.

Various studies have documented increased prevalence of eating disorders and eating disorder symptoms in T2DM patients. Most of these studies have discussed about the binge eating disorder, due to its strong correlation with obesity, a condition that leads to T2DM. Failure to follow a strict diet plan and workout, along with prescribed comprehensive dissertation index annual supplement are leading causes of complications among patients of T2DM.

Concerning each of the dimensions of dietary practices, there were significant positive relationships between knowledge regarding diabetic diet and dietary practices. Knowledge was a salient factor related to dietary behaviors control. Another study revealed that there was no relationship between dietary knowledge and compliance of dietary practices.

Dietary knowledge significantly influences dietary practices, comprehensive dissertation index annual supplement. In Indonesia, a study was conducted to measure dietary practices among diabetic patients, comprehensive dissertation index annual supplement, which elaborated that the Indonesian people, preferred to consume high-fat foods which lead to an increased risk of CVD.

The prudent dietary pattern was characterized by increased consumption of fish, poultry, various vegetables and fruits whereas; the western dietary pattern was characterized by an increased consumption of processed and red meat, chips, dairy products, refined grains, and sweets and comprehensive dissertation index annual supplement. These patterns were previously associated with T2DM risk. The glycemic index is an indicator of the postprandial blood glucose response to food per gram of carbohydrate compared with a reference food such as white bread or glucose.

Hence, the glycemic load represents both the quality and quantity of the carbohydrates consumed. DM is the fourth among the leading causes of global deaths due to complications. Annually, more than three million people die because of diabetes or its complications. Worldwide, this disease weighs down on health systems and also on patients and their families who have to face too much financial, social and emotional strains. Diabetic patients have an increased risk of developing complications such as stroke, myocardial infarction, and coronary artery disease, comprehensive dissertation index annual supplement.

The prevalence reported from studies conducted worldwide on the complications of T2DM showed varying rates, comprehensive dissertation index annual supplement. The prevalence of DR A study from Saudi Arabia showed that in T2DM patients; occurrence rate of cataract was However, this study reported complications for both types of diabetes. Interventional studies showed that high carbohydrate and high monounsaturated fat diets improve insulin sensitivity, whereas glucose disposal dietary measures comprise the first line intervention for control of dyslipidemia in diabetic patients.

Acquiring HbA1c target minimizes the risk for developing microvascular complications and may also protect CVD, particularly in newly diagnosed patients. Through the mutual efforts, comprehensive dissertation index annual supplement, health-care professionals can help their patients in achieving health goals by individualizing their nutrition interventions and continuing the support for changes. The beneficial effects of using fish and olive oil have comprehensive dissertation index annual supplement reported to be associated with improved glucose metabolism and decreased risk of T2DM, obesity and CVD.

The review of various studies suggests that T2DM patients require reinforcement of DM education including dietary management through stakeholders health-care providers, health facilities, etc. to encourage them to understand the disease management better, for more appropriate self-care and better quality of life. The overall purpose of treating T2DM is to help the patients from developing early end-organ complications which can be achieved through proper dietary management.

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comprehensive dissertation index annual supplement

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