Sep 28, · essay. ‘In the end the party would announce that two and two made five, and you would believe it.’ ‘Winston Smith, in the novel Nineteen Eighty-four’ is a “lunatic” or ever believing that there was any hope.’. Do you agree? In his polemic socio- political comment, ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four,’ author George Orwell utilises the Some sample essays based on notes • Winston smith is a loner and a loser. • Julia is a rebel. Discuss Winston is a loner because he lives in his own world and does not fit into the party’s world. • In Room , O’Brien tortures Winston. He uses methods of Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins Orwell wrote as a warning. Explain what he was warning people about. Be sure to examine the influence of political climates in the world during the time when Orwell wrote. 3. Explain in what ways Julia differs from Winston. Consider her behavior, her motivation, and her goals. 4
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What are the Key Themes in 1984? (+ Essay Examples) - Part 3
, time: 11:17Suggested Essay Topics | SparkNotes

Sep 28, · essay. ‘In the end the party would announce that two and two made five, and you would believe it.’ ‘Winston Smith, in the novel Nineteen Eighty-four’ is a “lunatic” or ever believing that there was any hope.’. Do you agree? In his polemic socio- political comment, ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four,’ author George Orwell utilises the Orwell wrote as a warning. Explain what he was warning people about. Be sure to examine the influence of political climates in the world during the time when Orwell wrote. 3. Explain in what ways Julia differs from Winston. Consider her behavior, her motivation, and her goals. 4 Some sample essays based on notes • Winston smith is a loner and a loser. • Julia is a rebel. Discuss Winston is a loner because he lives in his own world and does not fit into the party’s world. • In Room , O’Brien tortures Winston. He uses methods of Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
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